Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sometimes the teacher is taught the lesson

Sometimes when I am trying to teach my babies a lesson, it is I who end up being taught. Just this week I was taught a lesson...or reminded of a lesson I had learned a while ago, but forgot. 

I had noticed that my precious little ones were setting their affections on things on the earth. It seemed that all I heard from them was about money and what all they wanted to buy with it.  Even anger was displayed when they were told they would not be simply handed money so they could do with it as they pleased.

I perceived it to be an opportune time to teach them God's four basic purposes for money. I got out my Men's Manual, Volume 2 from the Institute in Basic Life Principles.

 I went through it during a Financial Freedom Seminar in 1993. Later, I taught through some of the lessons in the Sunday School class I was teaching. I probably studied these truths three or four times. One would think (at least I did) that I would have those principles down by now. 

The funny thing is if you don't keep them before your eyes, you tend to forget. I think that is one reason why Moses told the children of Israel to teach the words of God to their children. He knew the more they taught it, the more they would be reminded. 

Deuteronomy 4:9  Only take heed to thyself, and keep they soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons.

God has four basic purposes for money. First, is to provide our basic needs. Second, is to confirm a direction in life. Third, is to give to other Christians. And fourth, is to illustrate God's power. 

As we went back over these truths, I was greatly convicted that I was not practicing what I was teaching my children. I had been just as guilty of setting my affections on things of this earth as my children were...and I knew better. 

I am thankful the Lord showed me my sin and corrected me gently. May I be as patient and kind in correcting my children as the Lord is with me. Our next topic of conversation at Bible time is "Learning to conquer slothfulness."  Uh, oh!

1 comment:

  1. It's a good reminder for both of us, Joseph. We fail in so many ways, but we have a great God who forgives and is longsuffering with us. May we be the same to our children. I know we both want to be! I love you!
